Monday, April 19, 2010

julie & julia

baru selesai nonton Julie / Julia..

kayanya saya ketinggalan jauhh kalo soal nonton film... hahaa....
bbrp minggu lalu abis nulis soal iT's compLicatEd, sekarang... julie Julia... hmmmm my lovely streeps's weaRs pRada.. hohooo...

abis nonton film itu.. benaaaaaaaaaaaarr2 terinspirasi untuk bisa masakain semua resep yang ada dcookbook Julia lalu dituliskan ddlm blog....
an even the blog is exist.....

filmnya diangkat dari buku Julie Powell

ummm.... if Julia Child was lookin for a french cuisine cookbook in English... saya mau masakan apa aja (asal simpel) in indonesian...

maafkan atas kekurangan saya dalam vocabulary bumbu2 masakan... bahkan saya gag bs membedakan LAOS dan JAHE....

please don't mention the other...

karena itu saya sudah menolak sejak awal untuk masak dengan bumbu2 rumit....a.k.a with a loooooooong proccess before tasting it.....

masak dengan waktu sekejap aja belum tentu enak.. apalagi lamaaa??? ahhahahaaa

i really ENVY you! who can cook with just blinking your eyes.....

hahhaa.....maafkan atas ketidak sopanan saya...

mmm...kaya Julie, saya juga manusia yang butuh dengan deadline...atau saya gag akan pernah menyelesaikannya....hohohoo

umm, can we say, NEXT MONTH, i'll try another recipe(s)
hahhahaaa... *CROSSING FINGERS*

merry streep as julia child

you can find her here.... and this is her picture....
Julia Child was born on August 15, 1912 and died on August 13, 2004. She was an American chef, along with being an author on television programs. She was responsible for introducing French cuisine as well as different techniques of cooking to mainstream America through television and her cookbooks. Her most popular television program was called The French Chef, and it began in 1963. Her cooking book that was most popular was Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and it was published in 1961

"'re a butter to my bread...and a breath to my life....."
paul to julia on their wedd anniversary...sweet

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